Couples Coaching
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Dating/Love/Relationship Coaching
Hi I'm Renee Michelle Gordon, your dating/love/relationship coach and
I'm committed to helping you find your love at last. I will share with you the secrets that I used to find my soulmate, my Mr. Right, my love at last! No need to worry that you'll attract that "Mr. or Mrs. Wrong" in your life again. My process takes care of all that. You'll be focused on what you do want instead of what you don't want. This is not another, "we'll show you how to fill out a dating web site profile" type coaching. I help you re-discover who you are first, your values and your beliefs. After all, how can you truly find your life partner if you don't have a foundation and clear understanding of who you are first. Next we introduce to you our process of "Love by Design™". This is where you design exactly who you want in your life. Once you've built this foundation of who you are, what do you want, now it's about where do we find this person. I know, I know, you think this is when we sign up on all of the dating web sites and apps available. Whoa! Hold your horses! We'll show you some alternate places that might be more effective in your search.These are both traditional and non-traditional places that put you into the right place at the right time to find your soulmate. Okay, now we are ready to use the internet as a powerful tool to find your soulmate. After all, that's how I found my sweetheart, on-line! So now that you have a solid foundation to work from in knowing who you are and what your want, you can more effectively use these dating websites and search apps more effectively. Now once those hopefuls start rolling in, what now? This is what I call the interview process. I mean, after all, you are interviewing for your life partner, right? So call it what it is, an interview. But I'll coach you in the finer points of making an interview more like a conversation. I'll be right by your side until you get to the "I do's". I'll be your accountability person, I'll be your cheerleader. I'll teach you relationship skills. I'll keep you on track to find your soulmate and accomplish your goal. And most of all, I'll be in your corner, committed to helping you find your happiness and helping you find your love at last! Your Dating/Love/Relationship Coach, Find the Right Coaching Package for You!
Protege Package:
This is my personal protege program where either I travel to you or you come to me and we spend a day together with the goal of quickly preparing you to find your love at last. Includes my five step process to finding your soulmate but done in one day instead of within 90 days, so you get to your goal faster. It also includes a lesson in modern etiquette to polish up your skills as a lady or gentleman. It'll also includes a wardrobe and image make over to make you look your best for that all important first meeting. And of course, your Protege Package includes everything that is included within the platinum coaching package too and all live, webinar and tele-seminar events. This program is for the person who is sick and tired of attracting the wrong type of person and doesn't want to waste another moment without being with their love at last. “What you teach is so valuable. Everyone in the world should have a copy of your book as their go-to love and relationship guidebook.”
— Dr. Wayne Dyer, Author of Your Erroneous Zones and Manifest Your Destiny nships! Our Inner-Circle Members also meet on our private Facebook mePlatinum Package:
This is my premium Platinum Coaching Package and is our most popular, flagship program that is set up to help you find your love at last and transition you through that period of being alone, to self discovery, to finding your Mr. or Mrs. Right, and finally adjusting to being with someone in a committed way. This one year process includes my five step "Finding Your Love at Last", method to attracting your life partner and soulmate, the new skills, techniques and foundation that you'll learn, as well as one on one coaching calls either in person, if geographically possible, on Skype or by phone. But did I mention, I'll be your love coach for life? Yes, once you become a platinum member, you'll automatically be a part of our Inner-Circle Members for life! You'll be able to stay connected to a community of like-minded, love supporting people who come together once a week by phone with me to ask relationship questions, stay in the love conversation and keep focused one the one true thing that adds great meaning to our lives, our loving relatiombers page to support each other during which ever stage of your love life you are currently in, alone and looking, growing and learning, actively attracting, interviewing and dating, developing your relationship, engaged and loving or married and living. This circle of support group keeps us in the relationship conversation and reminds us that having a relationship with your love at last is a daily commitment and it's made easier when you are within a community of people who choose to focus on that too. You'll also receive a signed copy of my latest book, "Finding Your Love at Last", as well as admission to all of select live events, webinar, tele-seminar classes and group coaching calls as well. “Having just ended a long-term marriage, my radar for relationship discovery was in need of serious renovation. Renée Gordon was a true find. Her ideas, suggestions, and guidance were instrumental in my selection of Mr. Dreamy—my current and best relationship ever. I couldn’t have done it without you, Renée. I highly recommend this incredible book and amazing woman.”
— Tamra Nashman-Richardt, CEO of Extra-OrdinaryImage Gold Package:
“Renée Gordon, author of Finding Your Love at Last, has helped me by giving me the tools and support for finding love. Renée has been so inspiring and knowledgeable in the area of relationships. After being divorced three times, she has shown me how to attract the right person and write down in detail what I am looking for. I have learned so much from her and her book.... Thank you, Renée, for being such an amazing friend and support to me in finding love and knowing what I want and deserve!”
— Karen Dafesh, Beauty and Skin Specialist, The Skin Connection Silver Package:
This is your 90 day coaching package that gets you started on your journey and includes a signed copy of "Finding Your Love at Last" and the five step process to finding your Mr. or Mrs. Right. This also includes five coaching calls by Skype or by phone as well as select events, webinars, tele-seminars and select group coaching calls. This program kick-starts you to begin your search for your Mr. or Mrs. Right and sets you into the right direction. Once you begin this program and you realize that you'd like to add more tools and coaching support to help you in your journey to love. You can always upgrade to any of the other packages available. “When you’re ready to stop making the same dating mistakes over and over, read this book. Dating is a skill like any other. Learn how to do it right, once and for all, from the woman who wrote the book!”
- Dr. Sharone Rosen, Chiropractor |
I, Renee Michelle Gordon, will serve as your coach and help you complete the following in order to once and for all, find your love at last:
Add-on Optional Coaching Programs Available:
Platinum Coaching for Couples: Love and relationship coach Renee Michelle Gordon to the rescue! Sometimes, no matter how well a relationship gets started, over time the shine of a new relationship fades and you wonder, "What am I doing here with this person?" You still love this person, but you are tested daily to wanting to continue to be with this person out of obligation. You want a relationship make-over! Renee's five step process rebuilds your relationship from the foundation, keeps what you feel is working in your relationship then remodels the rest. In our busy lifestyles, love is not enough to keep two people happy together, learn the skills and love language to keep your relationship fresh, fun and new (aka-"hot"). Garlic to Garter-Belts
Imagine all of the "How to" stuff that you don't know about in dating and relationships that you can find all in one place! It touches upon topics like, how to cook for him or her on your first home date even if you don't cook. Or the secrets to dressing like a model in half the time you may already take. This is perfect for the person who wants to know more about the intricacies of a modern successful relationship. This coaching class is offered occasionally as a team coaching class but always available as a one on one private coaching. Dress for Success; Dress to Attract
This is designed for both men and women wanting (or needing) to make a change in the way they are perceived by the others in both relationships and in business. You have a total of 4 seconds to make a positive first impression on your future mate, don't make it a horrible 4 seconds! Learn professional model secrets that save you time and money from over buying. Understand what look is right for you and communicates who you really are without saying one word. This class is offered as a group class but always available one-on-one. Finding Time!
It's time management for your love life! Finding someone can be a drain of time and to do it right, you need to treat time like any other resource and respect it by learning to organize it well. Make finding Mr or Mrs Right a fun filled activity by addressing one of the top reasons people settle into a wrong relationship, they don't give it the time that it needs to mature and grow. This class is offered as a group class and available anytime one-on-one. What Clients are Saying About Renee:
"Renee has helped me be aware of my (dating & relationship) blind spots that has kept me from finding my love of my life...her (Renee's) compassion and understanding is her strong skills in coaching...I highly recommend Renee!"