Join Dr. Renee & Guests @
"How to Find Love Digitally, Next Door or In-Line at a Food Truck!"
Thursday, August 4th, 2022
5:15pm ET
726 Fulton Street, Chattanooga
Riverwalk Cameron Harbor South Lobby
Couples, Married & Singles: "How to Find Love Digitally, Next Door or In-Line at a Food Truck!"
Hold This Date:
Thursday, August 4th, 2022, 5:15pm ET
Class Agenda
NOW Registration 5:15PM Snacks, Beverages, Networking 5:30PM Masterclass Begins 6:15PM Live Q&A (questions submitted anonymously) Admission $FREE Includes: Snacks, beverages, Alkaline water, Networking, Live Relationship Masterclass, Live Q&A! Special Parting Gift! Seating is Limited RSVP Now! About Dr. Renee...
Before Dr. Renee became America's #1 Love & Relationship Expert, she too yearned for her own Mr. Right. After making the same dating mistakes like most people, she got tired of not getting the relationship results that she desired and knew she needed to change her approach. That was the beginning of what she wrote in her first and ground breaking book, Finding Your Love at Last. Her new love-finding process worked quicker than she could have imagined and soon she attracted her now husband for 20+ years Jim Connolly and is living her happily ever after life in Chattanooga with him and their two pups and four birds. You too can attract more love into your life, whether you are in a committed relationship or still looking for that right person for you. But you have to register first so you can join us for this FREE live Masterclass August 4th! |

"Brilliant! The author, Dr. Renee, walks her talk. Too many books talk about the subject of love from an academic position. Finally, here is an author who has gone through heartbreak only to learn from it and put it into a step-by-step guide to finding love success."
-Eric Lofholm, CEO of Eric Lofholm International, Author of Sales Scripting Mastery
-Eric Lofholm, CEO of Eric Lofholm International, Author of Sales Scripting Mastery