Welcome to Dr. Love's Fireside Chat Sign-up Page
![]() Welcome to the Dr. Love's Fireside Chat that was created just for you, deeply caring, relationship-minded person, looking for love and commitment.
This open forum was created for you, to discuss matters of the heart, in a fun and informal manner. The subject is whatever you'd like to discuss about love, commitment, marriage, dating or any of the many subjects brought up within any of my books, like, Finding Your Love at Last or the upcoming, Swipe for Mr. Right This next session of Dr. Love's Fireside Chat will be live at: Riverfront Apartments Lobby, 726 Fulton Street, Chattanooga, Tennessee. We'll begin at 6:30 pm and will go for as long as you have questions. There will be refreshments in the form of, Kangen water, wine and small appetizers to snack on while we enjoy the company of each other. There is limited seating so sign up now and come prepared with that burning love question that's been on you mind or just come and share a fun evening chatting about what ever comes to mind. This is not a not therapy and is an educational event. If you are seeking help with a more serious nature, please schedule an appointment with Dr. Renee or with another health or emotional professional. |